Reduce Heat, Glare and UV Rays

Solar Heat

Solar heat and glare make life uncomfortable in the home or office. Solar energy enters the building through ordinary glass windows as radiated heat, UV light, and glare.

Do you feel you need to wear sunglasses when you are indoors? If you wear sunglasses while standing behind glass to take in the view or you find the glare of adjacent views too bright, imagine being able to look out from your own windows at virtually anything in any direction without the need for sunglasses – even at midday.


Regain Your Home

During the long summer months on the Costa Blanca, the hot sunlight can make certain rooms in your house uncomfortable to live in. From May onwards until November you can actually lose living space in the house during daylight hours. The excessive heat can make these rooms unbearable to sit in.


Eliminate Heat

Solar Guard window film when installed can deflect this heat away from your windows by up to 78 percent. Curtains and blinds can help block some heat but this is at the expense of natural light. Window film can eliminate the heat but still let you see out unlike curtains or blinds. During daylight hours just like curtains or blinds no-one can see in which is great for privacy also.



Other Benefits

  • Prevent Furniture Fade
  • Reduce Glare
  • Unspoilt Views Out
  • Lower Your Energy Costs
  • Better Security